These 6-7-8 string guitars are trully handmade in switzerland by Luthier Patrick Hufschmid
I say "guitars" because it would be stupid of me not to mention all of his work (or should i say art).
In 1996 he went to USA to study guitar building at the celebrated Red Wing Technical College in Minessota.
He builds 10 guitars a year with his 2 hands and his approach to building is natural and based on physics as opposed to poetry, romance and 100’000 coats of lacquer.
For the body and neck Patrick always uses premium grade Sapelli Mahogany, for the fingerboards either West African Ebony, Indian Rosewood or Brazilian Ironwood.
As for the tops, there is a huge available selection of gorgeous timbers.

His pickups for which he designed the external appearance are made by Kent Armstrong
Looking at these guitars make me happy
You can find more information at Hufschmid Guitars
Watch it on YouTube
Hufschmid's Are The Best Guitars Ever! - Period